Name Creative Directors
Name responsible creative internship
Martien Geelen
Contact details responsible creative internship (email)
Minimum duration internship
2 maanden/mois/months
Maximum duration internship
Duur van stage is bespreekbaar / durée du stage est négociable / duration of internship is negotiable
Duo internship required? (Copy/AD)?
Available creative functions or positions for internships:
Creatives, copywriters, art directors, designers, …
How to apply?
- Stuur je stage aanvraag in via mail naar
- Soumettre la demande de stage par e-mail à
- Submit your internship request via mail to
How is the selection procedure?
- Gesprek bij LDV en terwijl toon je je werk/projecten.
- Une interview chez LDV durant laquelle vous montrez vos travaux et projets.
- An interview at LDV while you show your work/projects.
How will you get feedback from the agency?
- Je krijgt feedback of je een stage kan volgen tijdens het gesprek of via mail na het gesprek.
- Feedback sur un éventuel stage au cours de l’interview ou par e-mail ultérieurement.
- You'll get feedback about a possible intership during the interview or by mail afterwards.
How many weeks/months in advance should you apply?
1 maand/mois/month